Sunday, November 14, 2021

Inside The Mind Of A Master Procrastinator

1. procrastinator 

Definition: Someone who keeps delaying things that must be done

Example: The procrastinator is always about to start something 

2. sprint

Definition: To run as fast as you can over a short distance, either in a race or because you are in a great hurry to get somewhere 

Example: We have to sprint to catch the bus 

3. perplex 

Definition: To confuse and worry someone slightly by being difficult to understand or solve 

Example: How to let insomnia perplex me no longer 

This speech is talking about "procrastination" . The speaker had a hypothesis that compare the brains of procrastinators to the brains of non-procrastinators and explained why people usually get things done in last minute.

In conclusion, we all need to think about what we are really procrastinating on, because everyone is procrastinating on something in life. Then we need to keep aware of the Instant Gratification Monkey which might manipulate the wheel of our mind.

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