Thursday, December 2, 2021

Is There A Short-Term Or Long-Term Goal That You Want To Achieve In Your Life?

Is there a short-term or long-term goal that you want to achieve in your life?

I do have one short-term goal and one long-term goal. My short-term goal is going on the exchange program in my third year and before the program, i need to take TOEFL test. All i hope is to get the score above 100 out of 120. My long-term goal is studying my master degree abroad and successfully get the CPA in the state.

How to turn your goals into reality?

The way to turn my short-term goal into reality is to practice English every day and try to use the English practically in my daily life to make English become the part of my life. I found English is not your tool to take exam, but a instrument to make you immerse yourself in different culture and communicate with people all over the world. What matter the most to me is reading, listening, writing, speaking every day though i'm not in the English speaking country now. Also, i plan to have one or two month to do TOEFL exercise intensively.

The plan for my long term goal is when finishing my exchange program, i would take bookkeeper test first then participate in cram school for my GMAT or GRE. I predict it will take me a whole year to prepare for this test. If time allows, I will take part in the some kind of activities or seminar as a complement to build up my soft power.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

What Do You Think Is The Key To Success?

In my opinion, the key to be successful is to become a person who has self-discipline, resilience, confidence and perseverance. When you get self-discipline, you won't be lazy, waste your precious time to propel yourself, and even procrastinate on pursuing your goals. When you get confidence, you will have courage to face all of challenging things you never try before.When you get resilience and perseverance, you will revive and become stronger when every time the failure happened and something almost defeat you.

In other words, to be willing to fail, to get wrong, to make mistakes, to have a breakthrough on yourself and to grow up from it. Just to take one step back, two steps forward. This is the key to success.

1. stratospheric (a.)

Definition: Relating to the stratosphere (= the layer of gases surrounding the earth at a height of between 15 and 50 kilometres). 

Example: Stratospheric clouds

2. inverse (a.)

Definition: Opposite in relation to something else

Example: Their generosity was in inverse proportion/relation to their income

3. perseverance (n.)

Definition: Continued effort and determination

Example: Through hard work and perseverance, he worked his way up to the top.

4. grit (n.)

Definition: Courage and determination despite difficulty

Example: It takes true grit to stand up to a bully.

5. standardize (v.)

Definition: To make things of the same type all have the same basic features

Example: The profile summarizes key information about a product in a standardized format designed to make it easier to compare products.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

My Thought On The Talk: Inside The Mind Of A Master Procrastinator

1. Do you procrastinate sometimes?

    Absolutely, i do. What happened is every time i feel exhausted and i really want to take a short break. But i would say it's rarely occurred on me.

2. What are some of the things you procrastinate on?

    I would choose the things are not important and close to the deadline. For instance, I push back the assignment today but i must finish this assignment in next day. Because the thing more day i push back, the more pressure i got later on.

3. What are strategies you can use to combat procrastination?

    I would choose to do the thing head of schedule and this strategies i usually use on everything in my daily life. Because if the situation is inevitable, the only way you can do is procrastinate the thing. For example, when you know something will happen and have a time conflict with your assignment. If you can do the assignment ahead of schedule, there's no need to worry about.

    What matter is to build up the habit of doing things ahead of schedule. Because when you could do all the things ahead of schedule, you would find it is quite flexible for you to do what you want to do in the rest of time. This is also part of time management.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Inside The Mind Of A Master Procrastinator

1. procrastinator 

Definition: Someone who keeps delaying things that must be done

Example: The procrastinator is always about to start something 

2. sprint

Definition: To run as fast as you can over a short distance, either in a race or because you are in a great hurry to get somewhere 

Example: We have to sprint to catch the bus 

3. perplex 

Definition: To confuse and worry someone slightly by being difficult to understand or solve 

Example: How to let insomnia perplex me no longer 

This speech is talking about "procrastination" . The speaker had a hypothesis that compare the brains of procrastinators to the brains of non-procrastinators and explained why people usually get things done in last minute.

In conclusion, we all need to think about what we are really procrastinating on, because everyone is procrastinating on something in life. Then we need to keep aware of the Instant Gratification Monkey which might manipulate the wheel of our mind.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Do You Prefer To Work From Home, Or To Work In The Office With Your Colleagues?

I prefer not to work in the office. Honestly, compare to WFH  i like WFC(work from cafe) more. But i guess both of two are quite similar even the WFC can make up for the lack of what WFH doesn't have. Most of similar things like communication, flexibility, commuting. I thought the big difference is that productivity. As a result of flexibility, most of people would like to wear the pajamas or casual wear and eat snacks by desk. This is the first reason i thought it might decrease the productivity because when you wear a pajamas you'll be lazy and easy to feel drowsy at work. 

I would say when you are working in the coffee shop, it usually help you increase focus and productivity and trigger your creativity in this way office, home, or library don't. Because the combination of noise, casual crowds, visual variety can give us the right amount of distraction to help us be our sharpest and most thinking. In the other word, background noise can propel our creative thinking. You might heard of convergent and divergent thinking that is absolutely how it works.

And also if you go to the coffee shop is as similar as go to office, you'll automatically do what you do in the way to office. So this is why i think about WFC can be more stronger and efficient than WFH. Another point come to my mind is that i know most of ppl worry about others struggle is that lots of temptation might cause ppl fail to done the work and usually ends up more stress but when you are working in cafe, you will find ppl around you are doing their own jobs and it will naturally boost you to put more concentration on your job.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Do You Use AI In Your Everyday Life?

Yes, i do but just a little bit not quite frequent. 

For instance, my first thought about AI is my iPhone Siri like the voice recognition has been a notably underused feature of iPhone over the past couple years despite how inaccurate and sometimes limited Siri was. Perhaps people aren't aware of how much they can do with Siri neither am i. You may ask it to make a phone calls and jot down the note for you. Actually, there are more thing it can do than expected like set relationships with contacts, relearn how to pronounce certain words or names, flip a coins when you stuck in deciding between two things even chat with Siri it might be a good tool for you to train your language pronunciation and so forth.

Another application of AI come up to my mind is that autonomous vehicle. I would say the development of autonomous vehicle will definitely revolutionize the transport system in the future. The AI system collect data from vehicle radar, camera, GPS and cloud services to produce control signals that operate the vehicle. It means the taxi driver may be replaced with this autonomous vehicle.

Another famous example is Tesla's self-driving car. Artificial Intelligence implements computer vision, image detection and deep learning to build cars that can automatically detect objects and drive around without human intervention.

Friday, October 15, 2021

Is Technology Harmful To You?

Not even close. In my opinion, it depends on how you use the technology. It can be a good implement for doing lots of things in a efficient way when you can make good use of it. It also can be a harmful tool when you overuse or deeply rely on it, it might cause you become more and more lazy and manipulate your thinking ability and metal healthy.

It's like you can describe a news as a fake news but it is just alleged. You don't have any evidence to prove what you're thinking is 100% correct. So, i would say it depends on how do you use it. All you can do is make good use of your critical thinking to distinguish what percentage is it right or wrong. It's really hard to precisely tell is 100% right or wrong because it doesn't have a standard answer.

I believe most of people have enough savvy to make a good use of technology and make it as a good booster to help us do thing efficiently.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Is Technology Harmful To Youngsters Vocabulary

1.smoking gun

Definition:Information or evidence that prove who committed a crime 

Example:The tape recordings provided prosecutors with the smoking gun they needed to prove he'd been involved in the conspiracy.


  • prosecutor:A legal official who accuses someone of committing a crime, especially in a law court

  • conspiracy:It also known as a plot,especially to do something bad or illegal with other people


Definition:Practical knowledge and ability

Example:He still can not cope with the problem because he hasn't got much savvy blocker 

Definition:Software that blocks pop-up apps and websites and allows users to set timers which limit their amount of screen time

Example:Most of parents usually use app blocker in order to take control of the time children using their smartphone 

4.designed for addiction

Definition:Immersive video games and social media which are designed to manipulate human psychology

Example:Teenagers need to arise the awareness of the addition problem like technology designed for addition the way that they manipulate human psychology to keep eyeballs glued to the screen native

Definition:Someone who is very familiar and comfortable using digital technology and computers because they have grown up with them

Example:A wave of digital natives — those who have spent their entire lives surrounded by digital technologies — is about to hit organizations worldwide

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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

New Semester First Day


It's such a long summer vacation this time. But cuz the COVID-19 outbreak,i didn't have a good opportunity to travel anywhere with friends. However, it also gave me more time to broaden my global vision it's like "When The God closed the door, he opens another for u. Hopefully, I'm still on the way to boost all my professional skill and never stop for a while.

Finally, if nothing unexpected happens,hope to see u guys in person at school classroom 

Kind regards

Willy :)

Is There A Short-Term Or Long-Term Goal That You Want To Achieve In Your Life?

Is there a short-term or long-term goal that you want to achieve in your life? I do have one short-term goal and one long-term goal. My shor...